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Assessor for Spring Prairie


1428 Midway Road P.O. Box 415
Menasha, Wi 54952-0415
Phone: (800) 770-3927
Phone: (920) 749-8098
Fax: (920) 749-8099
Email: [email protected]



Brand new this year {2024} we have developed an innovative online open book assistant.

This new feature offers property owners the opportunity to submit their objection of value in a much faster way. Property owners still have the ability to sign up for a face-to-face appointment or call our office to talk to an assessor.

However, our new online Open Book Assistant allows property owners to fill out a

Request for Assessment Review Form. Property owners no longer have to set a formal appointment time or take time off work to meet face-to-face. This process has more than doubled our response time, meaning we can get answers back to your constituents in a faster and more accurate way.

How property owners submit a request for review form on the Open Book Assistant:


Link and QR code: Every notice that is sent will have a link and QR code for the property owner to visit our website and fill out the review form. Along with the Open Book Assistant, property owners can check out our assessment education, watch videos, and visit DOR links to learn more about how assessments work.


Online Connection: A simple click of the Open Book Assistant brings up the option to select their municipality and the ability to search for specific parcels. Before a property owner submits their request for review, they watch an informative video and look through a few FAQ's. This process is set up to answer questions before they continue on. Once a Request for Assessment Review is submitted, an assessor will review the request and reply to the owner quickly.


Setting Online Appointments: Each property owner is given the option to set an appointment for face-to-face open book meeting. If appointments are full for in person open book, we take walk-ins first come first serve as well.


By offering multiple ways to connect with an assessor, we allow for more freedom and flexibility for property owners to choose the option that works best for them. We will continue to enhance the Open Book Assistant feature, if you have any suggestions we would be happy to look them over and make this process the best it can be!

Please contact us at: [email protected].

Information Regarding Assessments

Wisconsin statutes require all taxable property except agricultural, agricultural forest and undeveloped to be assessed at full market value as of January 1 each year. The courts have determined that assessments at a percentage of full market value are acceptable when applied uniformly. Therefore, to determine if your assessment is fair, you must analyze it in relation to full market value. This is done by dividing your assessment by the general level of assessment for your municipality. You should contact the assessor to find out the general level of assessment.

If you feel your assessment is unfair, the first step is to discuss it with your municipal assessor. If you still wish to appeal your assessment, you will need to file a written or oral intent to object with the municipal clerk at least 48 hours before the opening of the Board of Review. In addition, you must complete an approved Objection Form and file it with the clerk of the Board of Review prior to or within the first two hours of the Board's first schedule meeting.

In cities with a Board of Assessors, assessment objections are first made to this Board. If you are dissatisfied with the Board of Assessor's determination, an appeal can be made to the Board of Review. If you wish to appear at the Board of Review, notify the Assessor in writing within 10 days of receiving the Board of Assessors' determination notice.

Boards of Review operate like a court. Their function is not one of valuation, but of deciding the validity of the facts presented orally before them. You or your representative may testify concerning your assessment objection. You must prove that your property is inequitably assessed when compared to the General level of assessment within your tax district.

NOTE: The Notice of Assessment is required when an assessment has changed from the prior year. Therefore, many municipalities do not send Notices of Assessment every year. Not receiving a Notice does not prevent you from objecting to your assessment. However, if you desire to appeal your assessment in any year, your appearance at that year’s Board of Review hearing is extremely important. Most subsequent avenues of appeal require that you first attend the Board of Review. Therefore, always verify your assessment annually prior to the Board of Review.

The appeal process is explained in the “Property Assessment Appeal Guide for Wisconsin Real Property Owners.” If you would like a copy, please contact the Department of Revenue, Bureau of Assessment Practices, Box 8971, Madison WI 53708-8971. Property tax publications can be found at the following Web address: under publications.